Oregon Bridge Program

Oregon Bridge Program
The state of Oregon faced a dilemma. Hundreds of aging and deteriorating bridges needed repairs or total replacement. Some bridges had reached a point that load limits were imposed and commercial truck traffic was curbed or detoured. Such continued neglect would lead to lost revenue, estimated at up to $123 billion and approximately 88,000 lost jobs. There were no options—the dilemma had to be resolved.
However, the state faced another dilemma in the form of securing funding and getting the projects completed quickly. Recognizing the need for a solution, state lawmakers enacted the $2.5 billion Oregon Transportation Investment Act III (OTIA III), a bond-supplied account that also drew from federal and state funds. The sharply-accelerated schedule was achieved by using design-build contracts and the Oregon Department of Transportation’s (ODOT’s) Context Sensitive and Sustainable Solutions (CS3), an interpretation of context sensitive solutions that combines economic stimulation, sustainability and efficient delivery.
In 2004, ODOT contracted with Oregon Bridge Delivery Partners (OBDP), a joint venture of HDR and Fluor, to manage the $1.3 billion state bridge replacement program. OBDP is responsible for fast-tracking the completion and managing the financial, schedule, quality and overall delivery components of more than 300 bridge projects in the Oregon Bridge Program.
In addition to solving infrastructure needs, the Oregon Bridge Program included five goals that address the community, the economy and the environment:
- Stimulate the economy
- Employ efficient and cost-effective delivery practices
- Maintain freight mobility
- Build projects that are sensitive to their communities and landscape
- Capitalize on funding opportunities
To date, the combined efforts of ODOT and OBDP have earned more than 30 awards for the Oregon Bridge Program.
Leaving a Legacy
ODOT proudly features stories about the program & accomplishments.
- Grand Award, Engineering Excellence Awards, American Council of Engineering Companies
- Honor Award, Engineering Excellence Awards, American Council of Engineering Companies of Oregon
- Dr. J. Don Brock TransOvation Award, American Road & Transportation Builders Association’s Transportation Development Foundation (ARTBA-TDF)
- Technical and Management Innovation Category, American Public Works Association Awards
- Hewes Award, Western Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
- Quality Management Category, Global Road Achievement Award, International Roads Federation
- Environment Category, President’s Transportation Awards, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
- Award of Merit for an External Video in the Video/Multimedia/Electronic Category, Bronze Beacon Awards, International Association of Business Communication Oregon Columbia Chapter
- Honorable Mention for a Blog in Video/Multimedia/Electronic Category, Bronze Beacon Awards, International Association of Business Communication Oregon Columbia Chapter
- Blog Category, Spotlight Awards, Public Relations Society of America Portland Chapter
- Gold Level, Partnership Awards, National Partnership for Highway Quality
- Top 10 Bridges, Roads & Bridges
- Highway New Category, Aon Build America Awards, Associated General Contractors of America and Aon Construction Services Group
- America’s Transportation Awards, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials WASHTO Region AASHTO
- Awards in Two Photo Categories, Faces of Transportation Awards, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
- First Place, Public works/Infrastructure/Transportation — More than $15 Million, Top Projects Awards, Daily Journal of Commerce
- Public Works Project of the Year, American Public Works Association
- First Place, Construction Safety Excellence Award, Associated General Contractors of America
- Work Zone Safety Awareness Award, American Road and Transportation Builders Association
- Award of Merit, Outstanding Civil Engineering Achievement Award, American Society of Civil Engineers
- Grand Award, Engineering Excellence Awards, American Council of Engineering Companies of Oregon
- Honor Award, Engineering Excellence Awards, American Council of Engineering Companies of Oregon
- First Place in State Highway High Volume Category, Paving Awards, Asphalt Pavement Association of Oregon
- Second Place in State Highway High Volume Category, Paving Awards, Asphalt Pavement Association of Oregon
- Excellence in Environmental Protection and Mitigation, Globe Awards, American Road & Transportation Builders Association Globe Award
- Silver Pathfinder for Team Excellence, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials Standing Committee on Quality
- Editorial/Opinion Category, Spotlight Awards, Public Relations Society of America Portland Chapter
- Merit Award, Spotlight Awards, Public Relations Society of America Portland Chapter
- Pathfinder Award, Excellence and Innovation Awards, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
- Diversity Exemplary Practices Award, American Public Works Association
- National Recognition Award, Engineering Excellence Awards, American Council of Engineering Companies
- Legacy Program Award, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
- Best Program Award for Environmental Excellence, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
- Environmental Excellence Award, Federal Highway Administration
- Environmental Stewardship Excellence Award, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service