Asset Management
Infrastructure owners are facing increasing demands for improved service, longer service life and greater accountability.
These demands, coupled with aging infrastructure and shrinking budgets, are leading owners to similar conclusions: today’s challenges require a new approach, one focused on improving performance and reducing cost of ownership during the entire asset life cycle.
Optimize Performance, Minimize Cost
We help owners enhance the value of their assets by adopting a true asset management approach, from strategy to implementation. Not just inventorying assets, we develop comprehensive asset management strategies and business plans that consider the whole life cycle cost of the asset in order to make key decisions related to long-term performance and maintenance.
A Full Service Partner Tailored to Your Needs
Our experience includes working with asset owners across sectors, including transportation, water and wastewater, power and energy, federal agencies, and departments of defense, as well as the commercial, industrial, and institutional sectors.
From strategic asset management planning and business process improvements to condition assessments, data management, and predictive modeling, we customize our approach to fit the needs of your program. Our asset management services are based on business models that focus on the integration of people, processes and technology, which results in reduced cost of ownership, improved reliability and enhanced operation.
A Data-Driven and Systematic Approach
Our approach harnesses asset data and applies a risk-based methodology to develop predictive models to support system optimization. We apply what we know from design and construction to inform asset operation and maintenance, to more efficiently manage assets holistically.