Jacquelin Mutter
One Water Planning Lead
Along with leading our One Water Planning initiative, Jacquelin is our liaison for the US Water Alliance’s One Water Council. Nationally, she applies a One Water lens to all projects and programs to foster partnerships, empower communities and ultimately drive multi-beneficial watershed-based solutions.
Jacquelin is passionate about the equitable distribution of water supplies and access to green and blue spaces. She has worked on various planning efforts, including the One Water LA 2040 Plan, Denver One Water Plan and Palo Alto One Water Plan. Currently, Jacquelin furthers our collective One Water thought leadership through in-progress Water Research Foundation publications: One Water Planning and One Water Program Management.
Her active engagement as a member of the US Water Alliance’s One Water Council, local Southern California WateReuse chapters and WRF projects furthers the industry’s One Water thought leadership by providing frameworks and tools that can be applied to all utilities types and sizes. Jacquelin is also an active member of her local communities’ Environmental & Sustainability Committee advising on local policy decisions.