In The Media

Tracie Onstad Bills Talks Recycling, Resource Recovery in Interview

Central Surrey Transfer Station

Tracie Onstad Bills, HDR’s waste business development lead for the West U.S. region, has worked in the environmental and resource material management field for almost three decades. She’s the executive director of the California Resources Recovery Association — the largest state recycling organization in the country — and a member of the National Recycling Coalition, Zero Waste San Diego and the Solid Waste Association of North America. 

That experience comes with plenty of industry knowledge. 

Bills shares that expertise with The Climate Reality Project’s Los Angeles Chapter, as a part of its monthly Climate Reality Movers & Shakers Series. In this nearly one-hour video interview, Bills discusses producer accountability, improving recycling in California and enacting behavior change. 

“[Waste] is the last thing people think about, yet it’s the most important [for sustainability],” Bills said in the interview. “Because everything you do — plastics, littering pickup, things like that — if it’s not managed properly, it creates huge problems.”