Exploring Sediment Placement for Coastal Marsh Restoration and Stability
HDR and Industry Experts Offer Insights on Strategies to Enhance Marshlands
Coastal marshes are vital ecosystems facing increasing vulnerability due to climate change, posing risks to erosion control, storm protection, wildlife habitat, water quality, carbon sequestration, recreation and other benefits they provide.
One method to improve marsh resilience and function involves sediment placement to expand or restore marshlands. Our coastal engineers and scientists are at the forefront of this challenge and continue to work with industry experts across the U.S. in exploring these strategies.
For a comprehensive understanding of sediment placement and its role in coastal marsh restoration, delve into the whitepaper "U.S. Coastal Marsh Restoration: The Role of Sediment Placement" co-authored by HDR's Nick Brown, Ph.D., Robert Lewis, E.I., and other industry experts. The whitepaper was published in the American Shore & Beach Preservation Association’s journal, Shore & Beach, Spring 2024 issue.