professional portrait of Mohammed Ayoub for HDR

Mohammed A. Ayoub, AIA, ARB, RIBA

Design Director

Mohammed leads our New York design studio, and is currently designing healthcare facilities that meet and surpass Western standards in Eastern and Middle Eastern countries. Although he respects proven evidence-based design principles, he often challenges experience-based design principles as they cross cultural borders. Currently working in the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia, China and India, Mohammed is influential among some of these countries’ top leaders through his reputation for excellent and original design that is “in tune” with cultural nuances. He integrates Western evidence-based design principles overseas, while at the same time, bringing Eastern experience-based family-centric design principles back to the U.S. At a time of so much turmoil in the Arab world, Mohammed has been an intrepid ambassador for health throughout the region.

A hands-on mentor to his studio, Mohammed has brought his young designers to meetings in the Middle East to gain a better understanding of the culture, process and projects.

Mohammed’s award-winning design portfolio demonstrates his ability to understand and capture the mission and spirit of a wide variety of organizations and translate these qualities into meaningful architecture which have been recognized through various design awards.