Mike O'Mahony, BEng (Hons), CEng, MCIBSE
Commissioning Managing Director
With over 35 years’ experience in the building services engineering industry, Mike specializes in building services construction and commissioning management, project planning and project management. Mike has been involved in the construction and commissioning of critical systems since Deutsche Bank’s Winchester House in 1996, where working for the main contractor he was responsible seeing that the mechanical and electrical engineering systems met stringent operational requirements. Since then he has worked on several bank trading projects and in 2000 on his first data centre, as we now refer to them.
Having joined the team in 2010, Mike has led Andrew Reid in securing major data centre accounts, overseen considerable growth in this particular sector and helped lead the company when becoming part of the Hurley Palmer Flatt Group in 2014. He also led the company in securing a Queen’s Award for Enterprise, for its excellence in international trade.
In alignment with the Group’s strategic initiatives, Mike will lead the exercise in developing the commissioning business worldwide, specifically in support of existing and new tech/media/telecom clients.