Southern Okanagan Secondary School Expansion

Southern Okanagan Secondary School Expansion
Rising from the Ashes
The replacement of the Southern Okanagan Secondary School began as an expansion and renovation to an existing secondary school, with an attached community-supported performing arts theatre. During construction of the expansion, just prior to completion, the existing historical wing and Venables Theatre was destroyed in a fire. After the fire, a new performing arts theatre and neighborhood learning center were included in the project.
Key features of the design include:
- A circular multipurpose room constructed from glue-laminated beams, wood decking and concrete and wood columns that opens to a central courtyard and is the primary focal point for student gathering.
- A new performing arts theatre that provides seating for 400 patrons in a tiered seating configuration.
- A two-story main theatre lobby (similar to the multi-purpose room) that serves as a space for public gathering.
- Provision of a geothermal heating system, solar photo voltaic cells and a wind turbine to support renewable energy use.
- The use of water-efficient landscaping and storm water management to reduce water use.