Getting water from here to there is a critical task. Whether that water is prior to treatment for potable use, potable water, domestic or industrial wastewater, treated wastewater or irrigation water, the need for safe, reliable conveyance systems cannot be understated.
We have designed pipelines for every size of community, using a wide variety of diameters and materials, in various soil conditions for conventional construction, microtunneling and directional drilling. We have engineered pump stations in almost any configuration imaginable to meet the needs of our clients.
One of our core service offerings is the planning and assessment of when to replace or rehabilitate infrastructure. We can help you understand what you have, its remaining useful life, what your future needs will be and how to prioritise capital planning. With our local resources and global experts, we can deliver full-service solutions:
- Condition assessment and asset management
- Hydraulic modelling
- Optimisation and resiliency planning
- Financing and rate planning
- Environmental studies, utility coordination, identification of easements and right-of-ways and permit acquisition
Extending Asset Life
Meet the challenge of aging infrastructure through effective condition assessment and rehabilitation. We’ve created this guide to help inform your maintenance plan.