inside the greenhouse at Bellevue University Sustainability Learning Lab

Agricultural Research

Sustaining Access to Food

Agriculture research is changing to better understand the role the industry plays in the global environment and the modern challenges it faces. It is becoming increasingly multidisciplinary, weaving together biology, engineering, genetics and more. 

As science evolves, so must research facilities. Modern agricultural research involves computers working side-by-side with centrifuges, so these facilities must be flexible enough to accommodate both. Greenhouses need to be more advanced than ever, creating a wide range of climates. Spaces which promote collaboration between researchers and outreach to the surrounding community are essential. There is also a growing emphasis on improving researchers' experience and mental health by prioritizing access to natural light, views of the outside world, and collaboration spaces. Our facilities meet clients' functional needs while creating an energizing environment for the people who use them. 

We are committed to designing these forward-thinking spaces which play a vital role in feeding our planet for future generations. 

For more info contact

Diane Dowgielewicz
Sector Manager, Education & Science
Diane Dowgielewicz

For more info contact

Warren Hendrickson
Education & Science Director, Central Region
Warren Hendrickson
NCRPPA Exterior

Designing for Agricultural Research

Agricultural researchers are playing a critical role in combating food insecurity, which is widespread around the world. For decades, we have been supporting this mission through our work with the United States Department of Agriculture, designing innovative agricultural research projects which facilitate their essential work and provide a healthy and comfortable environment for researchers. 

Dairy Forage Research Station

Existing at the intersection of industry and science, the Dairy Forage Research Station houses federal researchers and faculty from the University of Wisconsin-Madison to study dairy forage's impact on cattle. With a design that provides a comfortable environment to humans and animals alike, the facility leverages high-end technologies like robotics and air monitoring systems to maintain an interconnected ecosystem.

USDA DRFC aerial rendering
National Grape Improvement Center

National Grape Improvement Center

The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' new National Grape Improvement Center, a collaboration between the United States Department of Agricultural Research Service and Cornell University, serves as a world-class research facility to continue successful grape production despite threats such as invasive species, pests, emerging pathogens and increased extremes of drought, salinity and cold from climate change.

University of Arkansas Don Tyson Center

The Don Tyson Center for Agricultural Science reflects the three-pillar mission of any land grant institution: research, extension and education. It is organized into two wings — research space for the University of Arkansas Division of Agriculture which includes a water quality laboratory and an extension office for the State’s Agricultural Science. The space gives scientists access to quality research laboratories and provides space to hold a variety of different educational meetings, allowing the institution to deliver agricultural research discoveries to those who will be able to take advantage of them.

Don Tyson Center Exterior
Brescia University College Academic Pavilion Exterior

Brescia University College Academic Pavilion

The new Academic Pavilion at Brescia University College is a two-story addition that modernizes and promotes the Food and Nutritional Sciences program with new instructional labs, offices, classrooms and student spaces. We worked with Brescia to design a new facility that bolsters the college’s presence by focusing on transparency, connectivity and community engagement.

Food Safety & Metrology Laboratory

Food and metrology testing laboratories for the New York State Office of General Services and Department of Agriculture and Markets are housed in the new facility. The food lab provides testing for specific health hazards, purity, and accuracy of labeling in foods and beverages. The metrology lab — part of the Bureau of Weights and Measurements — maintains the State's standards of mass, volume, length and temperature, and offers calibration services to public- and private-sector organizations to assure that instruments used for measuring are accurate.

Food Safety & Metrology Laboratory Interior
NCRPPA Exterior

National Center for Resilient and Regenerative Precision Agriculture

The National Center for Resilient and Regenerative Precision Agriculture will research how to improve water and climate resilience, precision crop and animal production, and digital agriculture at the Nebraska Innovation Campus. Providing unique research opportunities for various faculty members and students, researchers will play a pivotal role in delivering innovative solutions to producers, consumers and rural economies grappling with various agricultural challenges.

Our People

David Alder
Education and Science Principal
Tom Smith, HDR
Design Director, Education & Science
Anisha Kothari
Principal Planner
Warren Hendrickson
Education & Science Director, Central Region
Gabriela Kleiman
Federal Project Principal
Martin Farach
Senior Laboratory Planner