Transportation Funding and Financing Advisory Services
Strategic Financial Planning Services

We can help you understand the current and future financial needs of your projects and programs at a deep level.
- Financial Feasibility Assessment
- Cash Flow Analysis
- Funding Source Evaluation
- Utility Rates & Charges Analysis
- Tolling Finance

Our grants experts can develop a customized funding strategy and help you apply for the grants and loans that best fit your goals.
- Grant Strategy & Application Support
- USDOT Financial Plans
- TIFIA, WIFIA & RRIF Loan Support
- Grant Administration Support

Beyond grants, we can help you explore other approaches for funding projects and meeting your community's needs.
- Asset Monetization & Privatization Studies
- Public-Private Partnerships & Innovative Delivery Advisory Services
- Real Estate Finance
Proven Discretionary Grant Strategy Success
Since 2009, we have helped clients secure $4.9 billion in USDOT discretionary grant funds, $1 out of $9 in discretionary funding awarded. Our team includes more than 50 grant application experts backed by professionals experienced in the planning, design and construction of both large and small infrastructure projects.

Leading Tools to Prioritize Projects for Funding
To help with grant project screening and prioritization, our teams use a multistep process called REM — Readiness, Eligibility and Merit — to identify projects within an agency’s capital plan that will be most competitive for each grant program. Our transportation funding experts are able to assist in every stage of the process, from program evaluation and strategic positioning to grant application development to post-award monitoring of technical requirements.