HDR Bridge Expert Co-Authors Article on Deck Overlays for Roads & Bridges Magazine
For high-traffic bridges with difficult access or limited options for closures, reducing needed maintenance is critical for maintaining regular traffic. The addition of a deck overlay on projects can help extend a deck life and protect its surface, even in harsh environments.
One such overlay adopted by the Pennsylvania Department of Transportation is polyester polymer concrete, also known as PPC. HDR Senior Bridge Engineer Nick Burdette and Shane Szalankiewicz, district bridge engineer for Pennsylvania DOT’s District 11, wrote about the overlay option recently for Roads & Bridges magazine.
The two shared details on the benefits of a PPC overlay, what makes a bridge a good candidate for PPC and when other tools may be more appropriate. They also shared details of the Jerome Street Bridge rehabilitation project, which included one of the largest applications of PPC on a major river span in Pennsylvania.
“Given the hassle for travelers and the long-term closures often necessary for a full bridge deck replacement, transportation agencies understandably seek to preserve existing decks as long as possible,” the two wrote. “PPC overlays are a good help in that endeavor, particularly in northern states such as Pennsylvania, where de-icing solutions are regularly used and keeping chlorides and water out of roads is critical to their longevity.”
Read the whole article, "Long-Term Protection," in the May-June 2023 issue of Roads & Bridges.