Technical Writing and Communication Support for PFAS Treatment Program

Technical Writing and Communication Support for PFAS Treatment Program

Technical Writing and Communication Support for PFAS Treatment Program

Effective Community Outreach Through Strategic Communications 

The Cape Fear Public Utility Authority partnered with us to create a proactive approach to communication to develop consistent, timely and accurate messages about the Sweeney Treatment Enhancements Project, a project optimizing the water plant’s advanced treatment processes to remove PFAS and chemicals of emerging concern from drinking water.  

Our overall objectives were to bolster CFPUA’s reputation, build a community of support and leverage resources in a purposeful and meaningful way.  

Community Outreach to Foster Project Support 

CFPUA’s community outreach included a plan to further inform customers about: 

  • The drinking water treatment decision-making process 
  • CFPUA’s role in the removal of PFAS from source water 
  • Potential rate increases as a result of PFAS 
  • PFAS treatment initiatives and related PFAS matters  

This community outreach was performed by CFPUA through communications such as customer letters, videos and messages posted on websites and social media. HDR supported CFPUA with this community outreach.

Continued outreach to various outside stakeholders included media, boards, councils, elected officials, community organizing groups, regulators, etc.  

Technical Writing and Technical Communication

Because of the number of activities involved in the Sweeney Treatment Enhancements Project, technical writing and technical communication support to CFPUA’s internal communication team was requested on an as-needed basis. 

We helped CFPUA develop presentation materials, distribution materials, website assistance, press releases and other means necessary to help communicate the technical messages related to CFPUA’s PFAS Treatment Program. 

Technical writing assistance provided consistent, accurate messaging that was adapted proactively to changing conditions. Technical communications assistance ensured messaging was easily understood by the intended audience and the distributed materials were appropriate for the public intent.

Technical Writing and Communication Support for PFAS Treatment Program
Cape Fear Public Utility Authority

Wilmington, NC
United States

Strategic Communications