Trent Stober, P.E.
Utility Management Services Director
Trent is our director of utility management services with experience in water quality assessment and regulatory projects that have shaped major municipal infrastructure programs across the nation. Trent has managed projects that include wastewater and stormwater utility planning, discharge permitting, assessment of receiving water-beneficial uses and their attainability, and watershed monitoring and management.
He's passionate about collaboration between regulators, utilities and other stakeholders to address community priorities related to the Clean Water Act and other infrastructure needs. In his role as director, Trent manages a diverse staff in technical areas such as integrated municipal planning, regulatory and enforcement action support, program and project management, asset management, and utility operations. Trent is a regulatory specialist with a history of applying his experiences, knowledge and practical approaches to solve challenging problems using a One Water lens.
Trent is proud of being a trusted advisor for many communities as they address more stringent regulatory requirements, including some of the most complicated quality issues in Missouri and Environmental Protection Agency Region 7. He has testified quarterly on water quality and permitting issues for over 10 years before the Missouri Clean Water Commission, which is appointed by the Governor to oversee the Missouri Department of Natural Resources Water Protection Program.
He holds a master’s degree in civil engineering and a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from the University of Missouri and was recently inducted as a member of the University’s Civil Engineering Academy of Distinguished Alumni.