Omaha Combined Sewer Overflow Control Program

Omaha Combined Sewer Overflow Control Program
Omaha CSO — Clean Solutions for Omaha
Starting in 2006, HDR has been actively involved in the Omaha Combined Sewer Overflow Control Program. The goal of this program is to improve water quality in Omaha's local rivers and streams by capturing or treating 85% of the average annual combined sewage volume. The program is comprised of nearly 60 projects, including five system reliability projects.
As part of the program management team, we have provided expertise in control technologies, project controls, regulatory and community issues, long-term control planning refinement and implementation. These include lift stations, wastewater treatment plants, wet weather treatment facilities, large-diameter force mains, sewer separation, pipeline inspection and rehabilitation, and soft-ground and rock tunneling by multiple methods.
The City’s combined sewer system covers an area of 43 square miles and consists of approximately 800 miles of combined sewers. The PMT is in the process of eliminating or implementing controls for 29 CSO points; 18 overflowing to the Missouri River and 11 overflowing to the tributaries of Papillion Creek.
We also developed as the primary face of the program to drive public awareness and support.