military installation, two people walking

Resiliency Planning for the Future: Continued Support for U.S. Air Force’s Sustainability Goals

At HDR, we take pride in our long-standing partnership with the U.S. Air Force Office of Energy Assurance, which focuses on the resilience and reliability of energy and water resources across Air Force installations to support mission readiness. Their efforts align with the Department of the Air Force’s broader goals to safeguard installations against potential threats by addressing critical energy vulnerabilities.

For more than five years, HDR has supported OEA’s goals through our wide range of planning and sustainability services. As part of our energy planning services, HDR has delivered critical Installation Energy Plans and Installation Climate Resiliency Plans at 36 military installations. These plans identify risks and propose solutions to mitigate risks to energy infrastructure, preparing them to withstand operational mission disruptions caused by natural disasters or adversarial threats. This involves assessing potential weaknesses in the energy systems supplying power and water to installations.

Expertise in Installation Energy Plans

These projects are designed to bolster each installation's energy and water resilience, that supports the continuity of critical missions reducing interruption even during emergencies or energy disruptions. Our approach is anchored in the U.S. Air Force’s Resilient Energy Assessment Framework, a modeling tool that allows us to develop comprehensive scorecards that highlight energy resiliency gaps. This structured framework ensures that we not only assess the current energy landscape of each installation but also provide actionable strategies to improve it.

Prior to our IEP work, HDR supported the Department of the Air Force with renewable energy feasibility studies at 17 Air Force bases. These studies evaluated a broad range of renewable energy resources, including biomass, wind, solar, thermal, and ocean energy. By assessing the economic potential and project scale of each renewable resource, we were able to guide decision-makers toward the most viable and impactful projects, ultimately supporting a more sustainable and energy-resilient future.

A Comprehensive, Strategic Approach to Resiliency

Our energy and resiliency planning services are underpinned by a tried-and-true methodology. We combine the Federal Energy Management Program’s Energy Security Plan methodology with HDR’s proven planning process. This integrated approach allows us to propose energy and water systems that are secure, sustainable, and capable of proactively managing risks. By taking a holistic view of each installation’s energy security posture, we evaluate critical infrastructure, energy interdependencies, and mission requirements, aligning energy strategies with the overall Installation Development Plan.

Through detailed analysis and gap assessment, we identify areas for improvement and provide clients with practical, executable solutions. Whether it’s energy conservation measures, renewable energy integration, microgrid deployment, or fuel diversity initiatives, HDR ensures that every dollar invested in infrastructure maximizes return on investment for our clients. Our goal is to help DoD installations achieve mission readiness by meeting — and often exceeding — federal mandates and sustainability goals.

two HDR employees on Andrews Air Force base

Supporting Federal Mandates and Mission Readiness

In today’s rapidly evolving landscape, federal mandates play a crucial role in shaping military installations' energy and resiliency strategies. HDR’s approach to resiliency planning not only adheres to these mandates but positions installations to be leaders in sustainability. We help our clients meet requirements set by directives such as Executive Order 14008 ("Tackling the Climate Crisis"), ISO 50001:2018 Energy Management Systems, the Energy Independence and Security Act of 2007, and the Unified Facilities Criteria for High-Performance and Sustainable Building Requirements.

Our team’s extensive experience working within these frameworks allows us to deliver tailored solutions that enhance both energy efficiency and mission assurance. From energy storage solutions to distribution system upgrades, we provide recommendations that improve overall resiliency and support long-term operational sustainability.

Tailored Solutions for Each Installation

At HDR, we recognize that no two installations are alike. Each has its own unique energy profile, mission requirements, and challenges. That is why our team takes a customized approach to every project, representing the unique missions each installation serves. Our Installation Energy Plans and Installation Climate Resiliency Plans are not one-size-fits-all solutions. Instead, they are comprehensive, data-driven roadmaps that incorporate long-term energy and climate resilience strategies to ensure reliable and quality power and water for critical missions.

We utilize advanced tools like the Defense Climate Assessment Tool to integrate climate data into our assessments, focusing on how historical extreme weather events and future climate projections could impact critical utilities and infrastructure. By connecting climate hazards and threats with mission-critical energy systems, we can identify vulnerabilities and interdependencies, allowing us to develop targeted solutions to address immediate risks while also providing a clear strategy for long-term resiliency improvements.

Delivering Results and Driving Success

two hdr employees working in a facility
©ELLIOT MARSH Photography 2020; All Rights Reserved

Our commitment to delivering mission-based solutions has earned us the trust of military clients across the globe. Through our work, we have helped the U.S. Air Force and other Department of Defense agencies not only meet federal requirements but also enhance their energy resilience, sustainability, and security. By providing comprehensive energy strategies, business case justifications, and recommendations for potential funding mechanisms like the Energy Resilience and Conservation Investment Program and Utility Energy Service Contracts, we ensure our clients are equipped with actionable, cost-effective solutions.

Whether it’s installing microgrids to enhance energy independence, upgrading distribution systems to improve reliability, or developing renewable energy projects to reduce environmental impact, HDR is dedicated to helping military installations prepare for the future. Our success lies in our ability to integrate technical expertise with a deep understanding of our clients’ missions, providing both practical and impactful solutions.