Howell Transmission Main

A segment of the Howell transmission main

Howell Transmission Main

New Water Main Sets the Stage for Community Growth

New Jersey American Water’s Oak Glen Water Treatment Plant supplies drinking water and water for domestic use to Howell, Lakewood, and parts of Monmouth and Ocean Counties through a pipeline network.

By 2030, NJAW expects water demand to increase nearly 81%. From 2000 to 2020, the township grew from 50,000 to more than 135,000 citizens, an astonishing 170% growth. It is further expected to grow by another 60% over the next decade. The project allows NJAW to continue meeting Lakewood’s growth demands, providing reliable water service and reducing the likelihood of uninterrupted service.

To accommodate the increased demand in New Jersey’s fastest-growing municipality, NJAW expanded the WTP and made improvements to Howell Well No. 3, resulting in a 6-million-gallon-per-day surplus of supply. Unfortunately, the existing water transmission system could not convey the additional flow.

The $36 million Howell Transmission Main solves this problem with a new 6.5-mile, 24-inch- through-36-inch-diameter main. Delivering the supply surplus, the project creates a reliable, redundant and resilient system.

Unique and distinct installation practices helped traverse seven special crossings, including multiple waterways, roads, railroads, and public and private properties. The project spans two rivers, an interstate, three railroad locations and a stream. With all these special crossings, the team turned to trenchless technologies to install the pipeline including ramming, microtunneling, jack-and-bore and horizontal directional drilling.

The project team took special efforts to limit impacts on threatened and endangered species, wetlands and traffic. They circumvented complex geotechnical concerns, navigated an abundance of utilities and coordinated with multiple townships, counties, agencies and stakeholders.

The project not only helps NJAW meet demand for the future but also improves local fire flows to the surrounding residential areas. The new Howell Transmission Line secures clean, reliable drinking water for future generations.

A segment of the Howell transmission main
New Jersey American Water

Howell Township, NJ
United States

New 6.5-mile of transmission main