Amber Robinson, PWS, ENV SP
Environmental Scientist
"The amount of suitable land available for development continues to decrease worldwide and environmentally sensitive areas are under pressure for development. Project proponents are faced with more complex environmental issues during planning and design requiring creative solutions from multi-disciplinary project teams. Early and often collaboration and compromise, creative solutions and the best available science are key to implementing successful projects that result in the protection of environmentally sensitive areas without hindering the progress of integral infrastructure projects."
As an environmental scientist and project manager, Amber brings a decade of experience in ecological field assessments, National Environmental Policy Act documentation and a broad range of environmental and regulatory permitting, with a specialty in Clean Water Act and Louisiana Coastal Zone Management Regulations.
Since joining us, Amber has become best known for her ability to collaborate with clients and permitting agencies to develop project specific permitting strategies that meet permit requirements while maintaining project goals.
She is a graduate of the University of Louisiana at Lafayette with a Bachelor of Science in business management and a Bachelor of Science in environmental and sustainable resources.
Amber is an active member of the Society of Wetland Scientists South Central Chapter and National Chapter, currently serving as Co-Chair of the Webinar Sub-Committee and is certified as Professional Wetland Scientist by the organization. In her spare time, Amber also serves as the President of the Bayou Vermilion Preservation Association, a 501(c) non-profit in the Teche-Vermilion Watershed, dedicated to the education and advocacy of the preservation of the cultural and environmental value of the Vermilion River.