175 Pitt Street Podium Refresh

175 Pitt Street

175 Pitt Street Podium Refresh

With two distinct faces, 175 Pitt Street, Sydney, sits at the intersection of King Street and Pitt Street, providing a duality of retail activity and commercial address. This provided the underpinnings of the design concept for the up-cycling of the building’s podium and street presentation.

With the demolition of the existing glazed mezzanine cantilevered volume, the new podium design opens up the sightlines east-west along King Street from George Street. This strengthens the visual corridor from a pedestrian and vehicular point of view, providing better visibility to the heritage building, 138 Pitt Street, behind.

To further enhance the pedestrian amenity, the podium refurbishment reduces the extent of the existing car park ramp on the King Street side by creating a subtle sculptural element finished in flagstone to match the existing paving. In addition, a rooftop deck on level 1 provides staff and customers with outdoor breakout spaces to enjoy vistas of the surrounding context.

175 Pitt Street

Sydney, NSW

Interior Design