Kitsap Electric Bus Infrastructure Study and Design

Kitsap Electric Bus Infrastructure Study and Design
Data-Based Planning for Zero-Emissions Fleet
Kitsap Transit wanted to transition its fleet toward zero-emissions, but agency leaders were concerned about investing in new and largely unproven technology. They also needed some additional expertise in working with the electric utility to serve the potential large electric bus fleet.
That’s where we came in.
Our task was to develop a plan to convert their existing diesel bus fleet to electric buses. Using our Zero+ Fleet Optimizer tool, our team provided key information regarding applicable bus technology, the number of electric buses that could be operated on existing routes, battery charging needs, required upgrades to existing facilities to accommodate electric buses, and emergency operation power supply. Our plan lays out an incremental but steady transition from diesel to electric, taking into account not just the needs of the initial buses, but clearly showing what they need to do in order to change all of their buses eventually. We also completed the planning project under budget, so we were able to apply the remaining budget to secure a $1 million Green Transportation Capital Grant for new charging infrastructure as well as to initial design, all under the same original contract value.
This project was one of the first to use our Zero+ tool, a geographic information system-based modeling tool that’s cross-layered with operational fleet data to provide superior operating, charging and energy cost scenario information. Earlier analysis of the bus battery ranges included overarching assumptions that could have had errors. After back checking the analysis with the Zero+ model, we were able to reduce those assumptions and provide a more accurate result.
After the planning study was complete and the grant was awarded, Kitsap Transit asked us to help with the first phase implementation of the study, a $1.5 million project. This will provide charging for six new electric buses, and set the stage to add additional chargers when the time comes, at one of Kitsap Transit’s three bus bases. Our design will include a pre-purchase specification for the chargers, as well as a construction package for new medium voltage facilities, breaker, conduit, conductor and charger installation. To satisfy the grant requirements, the charging facilities will be fully functional by mid-2021.