Intelligent Compaction CCR Landfill

Intelligent Compaction CCR Landfill
Using first-in-the-industry technology to comply with coal combustion residuals regulations.
With goals of safe coal ash disposal and maintaining low customer rates, we worked alongside TVA to provide risk analysis, engineering and design support for the conversion from wet to dry coal combustion operations at numerous fossil plants. As a part of this support, we helped pilot test, and later implement intelligent compaction (IC) technology — the first to be used on coal combustion residuals (CCR) within the power industry.
We’re performing geotechnical testing and analysis to determine the in-situ characteristics of the CCR material during placement. These characteristics, including moisture/density, stiffness and stability are used to provide TVA with a risk analysis during each level of the landfill construction. CCR placement within the landfill is optimized to create a more stable landfill cell.
We’ve worked by TVA’s side to establish the first two intelligent compaction CCR landfills, and will soon have a third underway. The implementation of IC on CCR has proven to be a solution that’s innovative reliable and cost-effective while decreasing risk for TVA and the community.