Central Illinois Grid Transformation Program

Central Illinois Grid Transformation Program
Environmental Compliance for a Future-Focused Energy Grid
Ameren’s Central Illinois Grid Transformation Program is preparing a critical section of the Midwestern U.S. energy grid for the future. The program includes construction of approximately 380 miles of new or upgraded transmission lines, adding grid capacity and resilience, and facilitating access to diverse energy sources for the utility’s growing customer base. HDR is serving as environmental compliance program manager, routing and siting lead, and strategic communications lead for the transformational effort.
Environmental Compliance Across Multiple Counties in Illinois
A multitude of environmental permitting and surveying activities are required for Ameren’s ambitious 32-project program. Over the course of four years, we’re coordinating with multiple agencies to conduct environmental studies, surveys and permitting, including:
- U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
- U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
- Illinois Environmental Protection Agency
- Illinois Department of Natural Resources
- Illinois State Historic Preservation Office
We’re conducting wetland delineations, surveys for threatened and endangered species habitat, eagle occurrence and nesting, specific-specific presence/likely absence, federal and state environmental permitting, and state and local floodplain permitting.
Engaging with Ameren’s Illinois Community
To support open communication with engaged community members, we spearheaded two rounds of public engagement for route selection. The first round gathered input on the route segments, while the second round focused on preliminary route alternatives. Over two months we organized and facilitated more than 60 open houses across 13 counties, engaging with and gathering valuable feedback from more than 900 landowners and stakeholders.
Enhancing transparency and inclusivity, online platforms drew substantial engagement with over 4,000 online meeting and map views and more than 1,500 comments. A targeted advertising campaign, featuring over 70 paid ads, targeted social media advertisements, and the distribution of 60,000 postcard mailers, ensured widespread dissemination of project details and heightened public awareness.
Route Assessment and Route Development
Our routing and siting team led route assessment and route development for the 380-mile transmission program. We gathered and reviewed data from community members, landowners and stakeholders during different stages of the process to understand and identify opportunities and sensitivities within the program areas. All input received during our two phases of engagement was reviewed and considered, along with routing criteria during the development of the proposed route.
The selected route meets technical requirements, while minimizing impacts to sensitivities within the surrounding areas.
MISO Tranche 1 Long Range Transmission Plans
A significant element in MISO’s Tranche 1 Long Range Transmission Plans, the Central Illinois Grid Transformation Program’s focus on replacing aging infrastructure and adding transmission capacity helps achieve MISO’s goal of reliably and affordably moving energy from where it’s generated to where it’s needed.