San Bernardino Transit Centre

San Bernardino Transit Centre
Public transportation is paramount to citizens in San Bernardino County — the largest county in the U.S. — and one whose residents rely on it. The new San Bernardino Transit Centre serves as a nexus for public transit options and provides access to jobs throughout the region while inviting development to the area. The project also provided an opportunity to put in place high-performance, sustainable infrastructure. As the architect/engineer (A/E) from conceptual design through construction, HDR facilitated the creation of a bold vision and provided sound guidance for facility design.
Selected by a consortium of stakeholders, including Omnitrans, City of San Bernardino and San Bernardino Associated Governments (SANBAG), we provided an a la carte list of consulting services to best serve the varied needs of each stakeholder. From the beginning, we engaged stakeholders during multiple workshops on design topics, including architecture, engineering, landscape design, economics, graphic design, sustainability and transit planning. The San Bernardino Transit Centre reflects the benefits of a holistic, multi-disciplinary approach.
It connects 22 Omnitrans bus station bays, an Omnitrans sbX bus-rapid-transit station, new Metrolink station platforms, Redlands Passenger Rail terminus platforms, private shuttles, taxis and bicycles to serve 6,000 riders per day. The modern, clean aesthetic of the building was intended to create a new contemporary icon for downtown San Bernardino, inviting economic revival.
Our goal with every project is to define the purpose and benefit to the community. We like to understand and resolve the technical issues related to transit while envisioning an environment that brings people together in a positive way. This socially conscious infrastructure results in unique, customised design that requires that we ask first, what does this place need and want? For the San Bernardino Transit Center, it was creating a public, civic space while incorporating bus movements in a harmonious way.
The project has since received LEED® Gold Certification from the U.S. Green Buildings Council. Sustainable project features include solar photovoltaic renewable energy generation, high-efficiency mechanical systems and a shade canopy that reduces energy consumption by more than 37 percent. A critical element in the often dry California climate, water efficiency measures including ultra-low-flow fixtures and native landscaping reduced indoor water use by more than 40 percent and outdoor water use by more than 95 percent.
The building structure, enclosure and interior are constructed of roughly 29 percent recycled materials. About 21 percent of these materials were sourced within the local region, which helps support the regional economy and reduced carbon emissions associated with construction. The site incorporates a light colored roof to limit the urban heat island effect.
Project funding was provided by the Federal Transit Administration, Federal Highway Administration and the state of California through State Transit Assistance funds, Local Transportation Funds and Proposition 1B funds. Omnitrans is the owner and operator of the San Bernardino Transit Centre.
Once the project opened, the bus rapid transit ridership increased by over 30 percent.