Sheryl Chino, PMP
Funding Lead
Sheryl provides 25 years of community and economic development, urban planning, project management and project financing experience, assisting clients in securing and administering project funding. She is also a graduate of the highly respected University of Oklahoma’s Economic Development Institute. Since 1998, she has secured and successfully administered more than $400 million in grants and federal loans for transportation, port investments, recreation, water, wastewater and stormwater capital projects.
Her experience includes preparation of funding proposals and the administration of programs for a variety of federal agencies, including Economic Development Administration, Federal Emergency Management Agency's new Building Resilient Communities and Infrastructure program, Department of Transportation RAISE (formerly known as BUILD), INFRA, Port Infrastructure Development Program, Community Development Block Grant, U.S. Department of Agriculture Rural Development Programs, just to name a few. Sheryl has considerable knowledge of the compliance requirements outlined in 2 CFR 200 – Uniform Administrative Requirements, Cost Principles, and Audit Requirements for Federal Awards. Requirements include compliance with Davis Bacon Prevailing Wage, Acquisition of Real Property, Procurement, Environmental Compliance and Financial Management provisions.