European Healthcare Design 2024
June 10 - 12, 2024
Royal College of Physicians
11 St. Andrews Place
London, England
United Kingdom
The 2024 European Healthcare Design conference is a global convening of design and healthcare professionals. As a global firm, we believe in sharing our knowledge of international best practices and engaging new ideas to propel healthcare design forward around the world. This year, we’re bringing several innovative projects, design solutions, and concepts.
Our EHD Presentations
Monday, June 10
Transforming Health Systems and Infrastructure:
Exploring Global, Community and Human Perspectives
- 10:45 a.m.
- Presented by Brian Kowalchuk (HDR) with Brian Niven (Mott MacDonald)
The First All Mass Timber Hospital in North America: The Prince Edward County Memorial Hospital
- 2:20 p.m.
- Presented by Jason-Emery Groen (HDR), Jeff Mosher (HDR), with James Hildebrand (Quinte Health)
Tuesday, June 11
Transformative Military Healthcare Design: Operating for Military Readiness
- 7:30 a.m.
- Presented by Burkhard Musselmann (HDR), Simon Trumble (HDR), David Kurten (HDR), Susana Erpestad (HDR), with Col. Christopher Kiss (U.S. Defense Health Agency)
Session 23: Design for Remote and Rural Communities
- 10:45 a.m.
- Chair: Jason-Emery Groen (HDR)
From VR to Digital Twin Reality: Pioneering a Human- and Experience -Centric Approach to Healthcare Architecture Design
- Presented by Mohammed Ayoub (HDR) with Malek Almoosa (Almoosa Specialist Hospital)
- Reference: Almoosa Rehabilitation Hospital
Restorative & Regenerative Design