Andy Thuman, P.E.
Water Quality Fate and Transport Modeler
Andy is our water quality lead and supports all of our company stakeholders in navigating the Clean Water Act, Federal and State water quality regulations. The water quality modelling group that he manages in Mahwah, New Jersey, applies advanced mathematical models to address water quality impacts due to a wide variety of pollutants. These models help managers plan for the delicate balance between societal needs and environmental protection.
When it comes to PFAS, Andy's team conducts water quality fate and transport studies and develops field monitoring programs to support contaminant modelling evaluations and risk assessments, including time of travel studies in surface and groundwater systems.
Andy grew up on the south shore of Long Island, New York, exploring and enjoying all the benefits of living on and near the water. Through his love of the water (boating, fishing, surfing), he developed his passion for the environment and the role of water resources in our lives, and that passion followed him to Manhattan College where he obtained a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering and master’s degree in environmental engineering. Today his passion for anything water related helps our clients achieve sustainable water quality for the protection of the environment.
Currently, his involvement in nitrogen management efforts on Long Island has brought him full circle to where it all started. Throughout his career, he has gained satisfaction representing clients in navigating environmental regulations while finding solutions that are fair and protective.
Andy routinely presents at environmental conferences such as Water Environment Federation Technical Exhibition & Conference, the American Fisheries Society, the National Council for Air and Stream Improvement, and local water environment associations to maintain our presence and to discuss how water quality models play a valuable role in environmental protection and management.